Our Goals

The goal of the programme is to produce a polyvalent nurse/mid­wife who will practise general nursing/midwifery in any sector of the community. The professional nurse/midwife would have acquired knowledge, skills and attitudes to recognize the total health needs of individu­als, families and communities and participate effectively and effi­ciently in meeting those needs.

OBJECTIVES OF THE PROGRAMME By the end of the programme, the nurse/midwife should be able to 1. Use the knowledge acquired in the principles of homeostasis to meet the needs of patients. 2. Use the nursing process as a professional tool for meeting the total health needs of patients, families and communities. 3. Perform professional functions effectively and efficiently as a member of the health team. 4. Develop the skills and abilities to imparting knowledge and principles of health to student nurses and midwives and pa­tients. 5. Contribute to and promote primary health care services in the community; recognize, manage and refer clients/patients where necessary. 6. Carry out community diagnosis, plan, implement and evalu­ate community programmes towards preventive, promotive and rehabilitative services. 7. Plan and carry out health education based on identified health needs of the community. 8. Exhibit administrative and leadership capabilities in managing health care units within the framework of national health poli­cies. 9. Demonstrate critical thinking and problem-solving abilities in the provision of nursing interventions. 1 0. Demonstrate responsibility and accountability for profession­al action. 11. Demonstrate commitment to the nursing/midwifery profes­sion, exhibiting an ever- increasing interest and enthusiasm for the nursing/midwifery profession. 12. Assist in generating knowledge through research and mak­ing use of evidence-based research findings. 13. Demonstrate the understanding of national health policies and their relevance to nursing/midwifery. 1 4. Demonstrate the ability for life-long learning within a chang­ing society.